パインニードルバスケット 基本編 百日紅くみ著
パインニードルバスケット 基本編 百日紅くみ著
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Pine Needle Basketry
Books of Pine needle basketry
Japanese written books:
Below are the first pine needle
basketry books written
in Japanese.
Title: Pine Needle Basketry - Basic
by Kumi Salisbury
See right for front and index pages
Title: Pine Needle Basketry - Advanced
by Kumi Salisbury
See below for front and index pages
Where to purchase:
In Japan from Amazon site: www.amazon.co.jp、
Or from Japan America Publishing Co. site: www.japanamerica.jimdo.com
(You could purchase in Japan and the U.S. through www.japanamerica.jimdo.com
In the U.S., you could order directly at kumins916@gmail.com
For English books, I recomend the below 6 books.
"Pine Needle Raffia Basketry" by Jeannie McFarland
"Advanced Pattern Book" by Jeannie McFarland
"Pine Needle Basketry" (sub title: From Forest Floor to Finished Project) by Judy Mofield Mallow
"Pine Spirit Basket Making" (sub title: A Modern Approach to the Ancient Art of Coiled Basket Making) by Sande Rowan
"The Joy of Basket Making Volume One" (sub title: Pine Spirit's Complete Guide to Coiling) by Sande Rowan
"The Joy of Basket Making Volume two" (sub title: Pine Spirit's Complete Guide to Coiling) by Sande Rowan
You could purchase them through www. amazon.com or their web site.
There are more good books, but many of them were published sometime ago, and cannot get new ones. Also the methods written in the books sometimes are different from the ones taught these days., so I recommend you that you buy after you master current methods in case you are interested in the books.
There are two DVDs made by Nadine Spier, which I really recommend you to watch. They are pine needle basket making basic and advanced. It in English, but you could understand many just by watching them.
You can purchase them through www.amazon.com and through her web site. (www.nadinespier.com)